
Nepal and the Art of Recovery

I wrote earlier this year about artist Jeremy Collins and his must-read book Drawn: The Art of Ascent. With the devastation of the recent Mexico City earthquake and all the hurricanes in the news, I was reminded of Jeremy's visit to Nepal after its destructive earthquake of April 2015.

He wanted to answer the questions, What does Nepal look like after the earthquake? And what can art bring?

Art has its place in the recovery process as he gives what he can: images that heal. Watch the video below or here. I love how he connected with school children as he made their school welcoming again.

Art is what I have to offer. These kids are scared to come to school and just creating a place that feels safe is an important part of their recovery.

Challenging our Comfort Zone

Jeremy describes himself as an adventure artist. We all have our comfort zone that, when challenged, causes growth. New regions then become ours to explore. Jeremy takes this to the limits in the video as he hangs suspended beneath a glider and whips out his pen and sketchbook to draw! Even he likes to get out of his comfort zone. It's inspiring for the rest of us ... who are more earthbound.

You can check out more of Jeremy Collins inspiring images here. His art can be found on the products at Meridian Line.