Starting June 10th, 2016, the six-week course Beginnings from Danny Gregory's online Sketchbook Skool is a great way to finally start that sketchbooking habit. Once you've purchased the course you have indefinite access to the videos and forum.
By the way, this is not an affiliate link, just a jolly good recommendation. In fact I'm going to take the course too. (Sorry, Danny, I just can't call it a 'Kourse'!)
I'd like to finally take one of Danny's classes and give you honest feedback of the experience, especially comparing it to my experience with Liz Steel's Foundations Course. And as a busy homeschool mom of six, the summer is a unique change of pace, just right for enjoying a fresh burst of inspiration.
Along with the Sketchbook Skool class, my goals this summer are to start my new Get to Work planner (thanks Liz Steel for the recommendation), to finish the major declutter (or Kondo) of our house, read wide and deeply, and to nature journal using John Muir Laws ideas.
See you there.
"Beginning" isn't just for beginners. It's for anyone who wants a fresh burst of inspiration.